Monday, August 31, 2020

Steps to Start, build and create a PCF Control from Scratch

 Following are the high level steps to start and create a PCF control using Visual Studio 2017.

This is devided into three parts:-

1. Install the required software/Components

  • Install npm
  • Install PowerApps CLI
  • Install Visual Studio 2017 or later

2. Create a PCF Control

  • Create a new folder for the project.
  • Open Developer Command Prompt and Navigate the pointer to the folder created above.
  • Run the following command
  • pac pcf init --namespace <specify your namespace here> --name <Name of the code component> --template <component type
  • Install the project dependencies using command (npm install) 
  • Update ControlManifest.Input.xml
  • Update index.ts
  • Build the project using (npm run build)
  • Start the Component (npm Start)
  • Create a folder for holding the solution zip and related files. Navigate to that folder and run the command. (pac solution init --publisher-name HKPublisher --publisher-prefix hk)
  • Add reference of the custom component in the solution (pac solution add-reference --path ../    ** Path of SolutionPackage Folder)
  • To create the Solution Zip File (msbuild /t:build /restore)

3. Import the Solution into your CRM Instance 

  • Import the solution file and use it inside Dynamics 365 CE


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