Thursday, June 7, 2012

Delete Project in VSTS(Visual Studio Team Foundation Server) 2008


I tried to remove a project  from TFS 2008 server, I have searched all the possible options available in System but can't able to do it from TFS panle after this I searched the solution of this problem Now I am going to share how to delete a project on TFS.
To delete a project, Open up the command prompt in the server, move to the location “C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\IDE\”. The location can vary based on your installation. Check for the file "tfsdeleteproject.exe".
TFSDeleteProject Syntax and Parameters

TFSDeleteproject [/q] [/force] [/server:servername] team project name
for eg: tfsdeleteProject /q /force /server:ComputerName tfsProjectName 
  • /q: Silent installation. No prompt
  • /force: If data can't be deleted, still continue
  • /server: your TFS server: Name of the Team Project to delete. If there are spaces in the name, use quotes.
Refer to the following screenshot.


Split the String values with a special character in MS Flow to convert this into Array

 Many times we have a requirement to prepare the Mailing address for some of the documents, suppose there are Address Line1, Address Line2, ...