If you decide to add a custom attribute to an entity, you can determine if there is
space available for the attribute in the entity's extension table by running this
Transact-SQL query on the
select EntityName=e.name,Bytes_Remaining=8060-(Sum(a.length))
from entity e join attribute a on e.entityid=a.entityid
where a.iscustomerfield=1 and a.islogical=0
group by e.Name
Determine Space Used for your Entity
Alternatively, you can determine the number of bytes already used by custom
attributes for an entity by running this Transact-SQL query on the
select EntityName=e.Name,Physical_size=Sum(a.length)
from entity e join attribute a on e.entityid=a.entityid
where a.iscustomerfield=1 and a.islogical=0
group by e.Name