Thursday, July 24, 2008

No Security tab exist in properties of folder in windows XP.

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Missing or No Security Tab Found in Windows XP Professional.

Security tab for the properties of files or folders in Windows XP Professional is the important functionality that enable administrators and users to define security permissions and rights for particular user or group to the computer resources. By default, Windows XP Professional follows recommended setting to enable the use of simple file sharing that hide the Security tab, leaving you with only General, Sharing, Web Sharing & Customize tabs as in the Simple File Sharing UI.

So to see and unhide the Security tab, just use the following steps:

Launch Windows Explorer or My Computer.
Click on the Tools at the menu bar, then click on Folder Options.
Click on View tab.
In the Advanced Settings section at the bottom of the list, uncheck and unselect (clear the tick) on the “Use simple file sharing (Recommended)” check box.
Click OK.
Security tab is available only to Administrator or users with administrative rights. So make sure you login as one. And security can only be set in an NTFS partition. If you’re still having problem to reveal or display the Security tab on files or folder properties, check out the following registry hack and set the value to 0 or simply delete the key:

Key: Software\Microsoft\windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer
Name: Nosecuritytab
Value: 1

If you’re using a Windows XP Professional system that is installed in a Workgroup, the Security tab is also hidden by default because in Windows XP Home Edition and Windows XP Professional, guests are forced to log on to a workgroup. Follow the instruction and information on Microsoft Knowledge Base where you need to set the value for ForceGuest registry key.

How to enable the security tab in folder properties for Windows XP.

follow the given bellow steps to find security tab in folder properties.
1.go to run promt
2.type gpedit.msc policy window will open that window u can see computer configuration
5.under that option u can see windows settings. that option and click security settings. u can see one folder in the name of
local policies .click that option u can see security option . click that. u can see more options in one window.
10. now press "N" and search where is
NETWORK ACCESS: SHARING AND SECURITY FOR LOCAL ACCOUNTS option. that option. and new window will pop up that window u can see one drop down box.
now u should select classic: local users
authendicate as themselves.

now close all the windows .open one folder select properties . now u can see security tab...

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